Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Last nights dream (the condensed version)

So it's like the 1800's and I'm all dressed up like a pirate and I'm on a pirate ship. Then I open a door in the lower deck of the ship and it time warps me to 2008 (pretty close to now I would say) and this really nice living/dining room where dinner is. So in the dining room I have a phone and I decide to call my mom- but the phone doesn't just call my mom, it calls my mom in the future. So my mom is in the year 2020 and I'm in the year 2008, and since it's a futuristic phone we can see each other on it (like a webcam).

So after the pleasantries, here's our conversation
Me: Hey, did Hayley ever get married, who did she marry?
Mom: No, not yet, we're still just waiting and hoping for her?
Me: Oh, hey Mom, where did I do my internship?
Mom: What are you talking about?
Me: You know at the end of graduate school when I had to work for a year but still pay tuition and not get paid as much- where did I do that?
Mom: Why are you asking me that? And hey, why do you look so young?
Me: Well, I'm still in 2008 and I'm trying to figure out the future, can you just please help me out?
Mom: This is really wierd- I gotta go
Me: Wait mom, don't hang up....

And then I woke up.
Crap...what does it all mean- it was wierd- it was only just after 5am but I still got up and walked around and got a drink just cuz the dream was so real to life.
So go ahead and give me your interpretations of what it all means.

1 comment:

gary hebner said...

i believe its a about your concerns for the future. you know like growing up, concern with losing your personal being, shouldering the responsibilty of being the " Man ". Just working your life and dreams away, Well...don't worry about it and enjoy the ride !! men are till boys at heart... remember that and you will be okay!!! excuse spelling and grammer. The Heb