Sunday, January 31, 2010

Behind Enemy Lines

Disclaimer- This dream is long and boring, but it was really vivid.

Last night I was in the military and my plane got shot down behind enemy lines. I didn't have a weapon and the enemy was all around, so I just hid underneath a car, but eventually I was spotted. I came out with my hands up as they surrounded me all speaking (I think) Urdu, or another mid-eastern language. Seeing that they didn't speak English I spoke to them in Spanish and told them that I surrendered.
They all started laughing, and spoke back to me in Spanish and English. "No way man, we're not gonna hurt you. Just come to church with us." So I went into a large (I think) Catholic church, and we greeted the priest by bowing to him and then taking our seat. I sat by my new friends until they explained to me that in their culture it wasn't right- I needed to sit somewhere different. So I did and sat through a long sermon that I didn't understand.
After church when we were all trying to leave I was asking them what country I was in- they kept telling me that I was in the Dominican Republic. I didn't believe them at all because their Spanish was so poor and slow. So I kept trying to ask other people. Just then I saw some Mormon missionaries in the church and got all excited. I ran up to them and was like "Americans! You gotta help me! I'b been shot down and I need to know what country I'm in!" They just looked at me and then spoke to each other in the language that I didn't understand. I finally communicated with them enough to establish that they weren't Americans.
Just then I saw a member of my current ward who is a Linguist (he speaks 7 or 8 languages) but he's very old and now speaks very very slowly, and he was talking to the priest in the other language. So I ran up to him and he was all excited to see me (as he's the nicest old man I've ever met) Bro....ther....... Call....! are... you........ here...? So I explained the whole story to him and was trying to ask him what country I was in, and he started to respond, but it was taking him a really long time to tell me because he has a hard time speaking. Before he could get it out, the people who had brought me to church came and found me and were like "Come on, it's time to go."
So we got in their car and were going to the grocery store to get some food, and I was trying to get them to tell me where I was and they kept insisting that it was the Dominican Republic-
And then Kaci came in and woke me up.
Like I said, not a real interesting dream.

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