Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Missionary Bar

So last night in my dream I went to the missionary bar. You may ask, what is that? Well, it's a place where members of the lds church can invite their friends to kick-back, relax, have a drink, and learn about about the mormon church. It's open for everyone and drinks are free. For those who come without friends, there are always members there who will be your friend and strike up a conversation about the church. The idea is that once people learn about the basic doctrines of the church, and believe in them, then they'll willingly give up drinking on their own, and then volunteer at the bar.

All in all, I think it might be more effective than door to door tracting.

1 comment:

The Finlinsons said...

Hey Brad. I wanted to let you know about Melissa's get together on the 26th at her parent's house. Umm...honestly, I can't remember what time its at...I was thinking maybe 6 or so. But I hope you get this in time. I left you a message on your phone...but if you're like me...I'm often forgetting all about my phone and things while here on vacation...

Let me know if you get this. I'd LOVE to see you and your family!!