Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another strange dating Verda

I was introduced to a really nice guy.  He lived in the country, farming communtiy, he drove a great big 4-wheel drive truck.  He asked me out and when he picked me up he explained that he had forgotten about a family get-together that night and would if be okay if we went to his parents house for a pool party.  I was okay with that.  We drove way out in the country and came to a small farm and a darling little house.  Our conversation was fun and I enjoyed his company.  When we reached the home, all the family came out to greet us.  Really nice, warm happy people.  I was given a tour of the house and  out to the pool we all went for some water fun.  It wasn't long when my date (I have no idea what his name was, we never shared that information, funny huh!) said it's time for us to go, are you ready to leave.  Okay, I said.  We took a another long drive through the country side, had a great conversation, laughing etc.  When we came to a small town, he stopped at a convenience store and bought us some kind of snack sandwiches that  came in a box which included dessert.  I thought they were yummy, how convenient something filling and something sweet in one box.  He thought it was wierd that I had never had one before.  Than we turned the corner and he said, You're going to like this...really, I  said, where are we?  You'll see.  We went into a  large building, when inside I was hit with the smell of incense burning, YUK! I thought why are we here.  Than a women dressed  like the women in India came to greet us, she was very familiar with my date, and she handed him a set of clothing and directed us to a room that had a rug covering the doorway.  She pulled the rug aside and gestered for my date to enter the room, she followed him and left me in the hallway.  I stood there for 15 minutes and decided to take a tour of the place.  I found all sorts of wierd things.  One room was filled with laughing children readying themself for a sleep over with pillows and blankets.  Another room had people waiting for a massages, than i came across a steam room.  No one seemed to be concerned that I was just walking around.  I never saw my date again. So I called a cab and went home....I wonder what that was all about!

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